Insurance Exclusively for ABA Members

ABE insurance reps Charlene and Nancy are waiting to hear from you!

Avoid The Thirthieth Percentile!

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September is life insurance awareness month, so the American Bar Endowment wants to make sure that you and your loved ones are prepared for the inevitable but sometimes unexpected slap of death.

There is a common misconception that life insurance is meant only for older persons – this could not be farther from the truth. Life insurance is not a guarantor of death; rather, it is a safety net. It gives you peace of mind that should death arise, you and/or your family can grieve instead of worrying about how hospital bills, loans, and other debts left behind by loved ones will be paid for.

Life insurance benefits survivors in many ways: it can pay off mortgages – keeping your loved ones in their home, fund or pre-fund a child’s college education, provide the capital needed to keep your law practice going; the list goes does not end. Knowing this, why have you not covered yourself yet?

Research statistics provided by a LIMRA study shows that 30 percent of US households have no life insurance at all. What does this mean? This means that in a group of 10 breadwinners, three of them would likely leave their families struggling with financial debts when they are deceased. Do not be a part of that 30 percent! Obtain life insurance today from trusted insurers that will cover you and your family even when you are no longer around to do so.






Author: abendowment

We offer insurance exclusively for members of the ABA.

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